Look i think you shouldn't be upset about this. what does an award mean in the first place. it's just a title that people know your work and like it but you can also know that without the award. there are so many lovely people who already like your work and isn't that enough for you? a titel is just a titel and if you only draw and create for that what is the fun in it? i think you should make something you really love and not expect an titel for it, if you do than it will just end with sadness, dissapoinment and down talking while that isn't needed because you create good stuff. just do something you love okay without expecting titels or awards that will make drawing more fun for yourself because you do it for you then and when you love the art peace and you get an award it will just be a bonus ^^ just try to keep your head up and try to stay positive ;)
just do what you love and don't worry to much about that award, your still worth it even if you don't have a award or titel to brag about ^^
Look i think you shouldn't be upset about this. what does an award mean in the first place. it's just a title that people know your work and like it but you can also know that without the award. there are so many lovely people who already like your work and isn't that enough for you? a titel is just a titel and if you only draw and create for that what is the fun in it? i think you should make something you really love and not expect an titel for it, if you do than it will just end with sadness, dissapoinment and down talking while that isn't needed because you create good stuff. just do something you love okay without expecting titels or awards that will make drawing more fun for yourself because you do it for you then and when you love the art peace and you get an award it will just be a bonus ^^ just try to keep your head up and try to stay positive ;)
just do what you love and don't worry to much about that award, your still worth it even if you don't have a award or titel to brag about ^^