
196 Movie Reviews

53 w/ Responses

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amazingly delightful

Gerkinman responds:

I am glad you enjoyed it ^^

Nice, Would like to see it's when it's complete

Levionix responds:

Thanks stay tuned

The music is really spooky

Ballzy247 responds:

You can thank austing93 for that.


awesome , i am not easily moved by animated stuff , but your animation made me a little emotional

Hehe I was really going to blam it ,due to the design of the meteor , but then i saw something very amazing ,which is the animation, it's superb

Let's not talk about the animation totally becoz people here have already blabbered upon that but, At the Rko moment it was nice and the lip sync of both the characters were Nicely done ..GOOD JOB. However There are some flaws which you should focuss upon and target them and improve yourself for future like , the character design was not very good ,you should have worked more on the character designed it ,They simply had no appeal. Voice acting was ok , i understand it's pretty hard to get a good voice actor .Improve your skills and before making a clip please plan out everything for your convenience like a professional That would really save time.Goodluck for future!!!!!!

nite2727 responds:

thank you. i know it was rushed, but was just something to see how people would react. my cartoon Jealousy was way more planned out. story, characters, body language, animation etc. this was only something quick to make the viewer smile or laugh if they are into wrestling. some shorts aren't made to be taken too seriously. voice acting and audio is something I've been wanting to target for a while. i dont have the top animation software and im making the best of the software and hardware i have. reviewers dont seem to consider what program the animator is using. passion will make a person use whatever they have to continue forward. ive even animated on the nintendo 3ds for my cartoons Gifted and Accidentally Squirrelly. one day ill be able to own better software and hardware and a drastic improvement will be achieved. but until then, a few quick shorts will continue and more serious animations will continue.

thanks for the review/rating & thanks for watching.


I am a Distracted person with heavy non specific imagination

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