
53 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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hhehhe nice

Neochilds responds:

Thanks dude


Ogiyose responds:


overall it was cool, but the coolest thing i felt in your clip was the fire effect

larrynachos responds:

Heh, that was thanks to thatawkwardkid. He's a good drawer, so you should check him out.

dude make it in english

Askandar responds:

The speeches are an unknown language. Just found the files on my computer.

hey i feeel like u have used that face software where u upload a face and software does the rest of the job, however i see that the work on face is a Uv texture well placed.

mematron responds:

Yes, even in college, teachers didn't think that I did my own work. Once a few chose the subjects for me and the work was of the same quality they new that it was mine, all mine. These best way to critique art is to know the artist's intention. If they did not accomplish their goal then the piece is a failure.

it merely seems like a clip from a 8 bit game

Afro-Alchemist responds:

Yeah, with it being a test animation while using sprites, it tends to just look like a game. I don't exactly know what you are trying to say from this, but if you are saying that it just looks like I recorded it from a game and called it a animation, I promise you that is not the case. Even though sprite animation is soo much easier than actual animation, I can assure you that every single thing that happened in this video I did with my own two hands frame by frame. Even with the fading out at the ending, I grabbed all the frames and put black over them by adding 2% more opacity every frame.

So I did animate everything, it just can never be impressive as drawing a luigi and making him do everything he did here by hand.
I apologize this was not up to your taste, or whatever the issue you have with this, again, I am quite unsure.

the third one was a little fast , correct it put it upto maybe 3 to 4 secs

Mrgoat901 responds:


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